Sunday, 28 July 2013

5 Interesting Ways To Say Sorry To Your Boyfriend

At some point in your relationship, you are going to do something wrong. You are going to make your boyfriend upset, mad, or sad, and need to work to rectify the situation. Some people will simply say sorry, hoping that their sincerity comes through. Others realize that they need to do more to make sure that their loved one knows that they are sorry.

These five interesting ways to say sorry to your boyfriend will help you to apologize in new and unique ways. Apologizing in different ways will help to show your boyfriend that you are sincere with your apology. It will also show him that you are willing to do whatever you can to make sure that you make up for your wrong doings.

1. Make Him a Card - A simple hand-made card can make a simple apology special and important. This type of apology is perfect for girlfriends that need to say sorry for small, almost insignificant issues. This apology helps to bring a cute and thoughtful feel to the apology without making the apology or issue too serious.

2.Buy Him Gifts - One of the best ways to apologize is to bring your boyfriend something he enjoys. Men used to do this by purchasing their girlfriends flowers when they said sorry; girlfriends can do the same. Buy your boyfriend some of his favorite small items, foods, and beverages. This small gesture wills how that you are serious about your apology.

3. Make Him Food

If your boyfriend is still a little mad at you for a small issue or problem, make him food. The fact that you are taking time out of your schedule to make him food will show him that you want to make sure he is happy.

4.Take Him Out

Want to say that you are sorry in a relatively new way? Take your boyfriend out to dinner. This is the perfect gesture for relationships that feature a boyfriend that always pays. He will enjoy the experience, and will be willing to accept your apology.

5. Give A Full Body Massage

This is the perfect apology for those who have done something relatively big, and are working to get back in the good graces of their boyfriend. If he will allow it, light  his favorite candles. Use a very special massage oil that will relax yet excite him. Don't forget to caress and massage his toes and fingers. Then let the moment go where it will go.

You need to gauge the thoughts and feelings of your boyfriend, along with the severity of your actions, to understand the correct way to say sorry. While some of these interesting ways to say sorry to your boyfriend may work, others will completely miss the mark, hurting the situation further. Take the time to understand the right way to say I'm sorry, as it will help both you and your boyfriend to move on from the issue.

Saturday, 27 July 2013

Can This Marriage Be Saved - Perhaps

If you find that your relationship with your spouse is in a lot of trouble, you have probably asked yourself "can this marriage be saved?" No matter how bad it may seem, the answer is that it most likely can be saved. Even though the divorce rate is far too high, virtually every marriage can be salvaged, as long as the couple is willing to do whatever it takes.

However, there may be some marriages that are not worth saving, at least not in their current state. If you are in a marriage that is mentally or physically abusive, then asking if it can be saved is not the right question. Then you need to ask if you can be saved from the relationship. It's not easy, but it is critical that you get out. Perhaps your spouse will change, but you need to make sure, and see solid proof before you give them a second chance. Luckily, such exceptions make up only a small fraction of all marriages.

So, back to the question of whether or not your marriage can be saved. Well, it can only be saved if you want it to be saved. And, the fact that you are reading this is a good sign. However, take some time to seriously reflect upon whether or not you really want it to be saved. It's okay to answer no, so long as you answer honestly and after plenty of thought. Either way, something as important as a marriage shouldn't be taken lightly.

Now, if you have given it enough thought, and decided that you still love your spouse, and that you would like to stay married, then you are already on the right path to making it work. And it will take work. It's better to be up front about it, than it is to give you false pretenses and say it will be easy. It will take commitment and effort, but most things worthwhile do.

The first thing you have to do is talk to your spouse. You need to let them know that you think your marriage is in trouble. They will either agree, or have no idea whatsoever. But you need to open the lines of communication on the issue if you want to move forward.

Note your spouse's reaction as you bring up the subject. Are they shocked, sad, angry, hurt or confused? Whichever it is, respond accordingly. This will be your first opportunity to show you care about your spouse and keeping your marriage together. You have to remember that you are most likely catching your spouse off guard so try to be understanding of their feelings.

The next step is to commit to making things work out. You will also need to have your spouse's commitment to do the same thing. Granted, you may have to explain your reasons for why you're asking can this marriage be saved, and let them know you would like it to be saved.

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

9 Ways To Get Ex Back Hating You

So you want to know ways to get ex back in love with you? Be careful what actions you take in your efforts to get ex back. If you aren’t careful you may find more ways to get ex back hating you instead of loving you. Here are ways to get ex back hating you. If you don’t want your ex to hate you then DO NOT do these things.

Call them several times a day. This will bug them like crazy and may cause them to block your number. You can always get more numbers, though. Disposable phones and using friend’s cell phones are easy ways to get this done.

Keep writing them and letting them know how much you miss them. Letters, Emails, and Text Messages can hit them from several directions. Leave notes on their windshield. This is a great way to get their attention (and wrath).

Remind them frequently of things that they said and promises they made. Who says that things have to change? They said it once, so they must have meant it forever and just forgot. Constantly remind them. You will only be reminding them how good an idea it was to leave you.

Follow/Stalk them and let them know that every minute they live, you are right there. Every single breathe they take, you’ll be watching them. Be sure to grin whenever they see you. They will think your crazy and you may scare them. Be ready for the restraining order.

Bother their friends. Ask them constantly how they are doing and see if you can find out where they are going to be. Try to go everywhere that the friends are. Most likely they will be trying to get rid of you.

Call their new love interest and let the new flame know that you are the real love and it is only a matter of time before your ways to get ex back works. More than likely you will end up making both of them hate you and they could end up becoming closer because of the harassing you do.

Call their parents and try to be their parent’s best friend. You will only get the parents mad at you as well or drive a wedge between your ex and his parents. Either way, you have given your ex more reason to hate you.

Try dating their best friend. Your efforts to make them jealous may end up ruining another of their relationships. Sooner or later the best friend will realize that you are just using them and you will be alone again.

Call their workplace and ask about him or ask to talk to him. That will be a great way to get your ex back hating you, especially if it costs them their job.

There are ways to get ex back in love with you but get help and find out what things work. Be careful who you try to get help from. If they have a successful, long lasting romance or are trained at giving relationship advice, then they are good to get help from. If they have had a lot of short term relationships they may not be the best one to get help from. Follow your heart if you want to get ex back, but be careful what you do. Not all ways to get ex back that come to you naturally will make them love you again.

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

How To Win Ex Back Battle For Her Heart

Do you know how to win ex back? When a woman has left a man, she probably has a good reason, at least in her own mind. Thus, you have to be prepared to battle for her heart if you want to win ex back.

A relationship has a beginning, a middle and an end. The question is whether you are in the middle and just taking a hiatus or whether it is really over and you are at the end.

If your girlfriend wants to start the relationship anew, you need to be able to work things out on a fresh start. You should plan out your steps ahead of time if you want the new relationship to work out better than the old one did.

First of all, consider why you broke up. Were there underlying problems that plagued your relationship? If so, how can you fix them going forward?

Second, analyze why you want your ex back. Do you just feel lonely because she’s not around? If so, any woman will do. But, if you have a hole in your heart that only she will fill, that’s different.

Third, you need to become the person that she needs. Think back to what you were like when she fell in love with you. Have you changed? Did you stop doing interesting things when you devoted all of your time to her? Have you stopped going to the gym thinking that there’s no reason to stay in shape now that you’ve snagged the girl? Become the person she wants to win ex back.

Fourth, consider that the first thing you say to your ex after a break up may be the most important words ever to come out of your mouth. The wrong words can change the balance of the relationship. Don’t beg her to come back. Don’t do anything to irritate her. She probably still harbors good feelings for you and you don’t want to do anything that would change this.

Fifth, you can use the good memories you’ve built to your advantage. Talk about the good times you had. If she gave you a special sweater, wear it when you know she’s going to be around. If you can, arrange to meet at a place that has meaning for you for a quick drink.

Sixth, try to mirror her words and body language. If she uses an uncommon word, try to work it into the conversation yourself. If she places her left hand on her cheek, do the same. Don’t overdo it or be obvious, but this kind of “mirror imaging” gets you back in synch.

Seventh, let her know that you are thinking about her. Go out of your way to send her a card on her birthday. If you know she has a big review at work, send her an encouraging note.

By following these seven steps, you should be able to win ex back. As long as you are still on friendly terms, you can use your friendship to become romantic once more.

How To Get Back With Your Ex Boyfriend

There are many people like you who are struggling to find out how to get back with your ex boyfriend. The problem may be as with any seemingly insurmountable obstacle and that is all they can see is the mountain in front of them. It’s hard to process and figure out how you can fix what went so wrong. It can be overwhelming. It doesn’t have to be, though. The secret to learning how to get back with your boyfriend may be in the little things.

Q: How do you eat an elephant?

A: One bite at a time.

Q: How to get back with your ex boyfriend?

A: One step at a time.

What you need to do is carefully look at what it was that made what you had together so special. What we the little things that made the two of you smile? What was it that made him smile? If you can find those things and not only remind him of them but make him think of them then you have a chance. Was there some look that you gave that made him grin? Give him that look. Was there some song that he loved to hear? Hum a little of it or sing just a little very quietly if you can carry a tune. Even if you can’t sing, give a little smile when he’s around and sing just a little bit of it softly enough that he just barely hears it and laugh at yourself.

Give him a reason to give you just a little help with something. Show that you can still rely on him and you feel comfortable asking him for a little help. The difficult thing with this is not becoming a burden on him. You need to not bother him with trivial things or very often, just a little something every once in while. The point is to be like a good perfume worn right. It has to be sweet enough to catch his attention and wet his appetite but not strong enough to knock him out of his chair and into a coma.

How to get back with your ex boyfriend is going to involve a lot of premeditated and orchestrated maneuvers. You are going to have to arrange “accidental” and “spontaneous” meetings. It can’t seem like you are tying to manipulate and you don’t need to make yourself known. Be that person that he thinks he sees but don’t “draw attention” to yourself. Be there, be seen, but don’t “see” him except to maybe give a little smile or a wink but then disappear. Enough of that done correctly and you really have found the secret how to get back with your boyfriend.

When you really have your eye set it and want to know how to get back with your ex boyfriend, you are going to have to be sneaky. You are going to have to entice him but let him make the moves. Make him hunt you. Make him pursue. Your job is to get him to think it’s his idea to get back together with you. Best way how to get back with your ex boyfriend is to get him to ask the same thing about you.

Monday, 22 July 2013

Ex Wants Back Together But I Dont

Ex wants back together but you don't? That is an incredibly difficult position to be in, especially if you have reasons to keep the peace or are just still interested in being friends. You want to make sure that you don't cave into the pressure to get back together, though. It might be the right thing but you need to examine the reasons that you broke up in the first place. If you aren't totally convinced that it is the right thing then you really should not. We will be looking at two of the big reasons that you may have broken up and could very well be why you shouldn't get back together again, even though ex wants back together.

One of the things that could be why you broke up in the first place is that you have your eyes set on getting married and don't believe that they are “the one” for you. Your ex wants back together but you may have found out that they aren't, for some reason, what you are looking for in a spouse. You have certain ideals and certain things that you are looking for in a marriage partner. While you were dating, you found out that this person didn't have what you needed.

It doesn't matter what exactly the reasons are, it is something that you can't see yourself living with the rest of your life. If you have realized that they aren't what you need, then why waste time on on a futile effort if it is only going to detract from your ultimate goal of getting married. You will only be putting off the inevitable future break up and possibly missing out on finding that one that you really should be with. Your ex wants back together but it simply wouldn't be the life time commitment that you crave so deciding not to only makes sense.

Another reason that it might not be a good idea to get back together with ex even though ex wants back together is you simply just don't have the feelings towards them that you had at one time. If there are no other good reasons for being together, children together being the main and most important one, then it really isn't fair to either person. Both of you deserve to be in a situation better than one person being “stuck” with the other. You deserve to not feel so obligated and they deserve to not be with someone who would simply rather not be with them.

If your ex wants back together, while it may seem the easiest solution to get back together, it may not be the best one. Look closely at the reasons that you broke up in the first place. If you are convinced that they just aren't right for you then don't feel pressured into doing something that ultimately would do neither one of you any good. Don't do the wrong thing trying to do the nice thing and get back together because ex wants back together.

Sunday, 21 July 2013

Relationship Questions You Need To Ask

If you want to fix your relationship, then you need to ask the right question. Relationship repair can be tricky in the best of times, which is why you need to know the right questions, relationship questions, to get the information you need to repair what has been broken.

This is not necessarily an easy thing to do. Most of us won't want to ask these questions, relationship problems or not. This is because the natural human reaction to things is to try and avoid the problem as much as possible.

But relationship problems will not fix themselves. You need to make the effort to fix them, not wait for your ex to magically come around. You are the one who has realized there is a problem, and this means that you have to be the one to do the work to fix it. Whether you like it or not, it's become your responsibility.

Which brings us to the questions. Relationship questions are not easy to ask, but the answers will be worthwhile. This is the information you need to do the work that will bring you back to having a healthy relationship with your girlfriend or boyfriend, husband or wife.

Question One: What Do You Want?

This is a question you need to ask yourself and your significant other. You need to ask yourself because you need to be able to know and articulate what it is you want from your relationship. You need to ask them so that you know that the things you want from the relationship are, if not the same, then at least compatible.

Question Two: What Were Our Best Times?

This is another question designed to get you looking at how the two of you view your relationship. If you both view different times in your relationship as the best times, this will give you a very strong indication of where things went wrong, which is the point of these questions. Relationship is based on knowing what these questions will tell you.

Question Three: What Don't You Like?

Again, this is a question both of you need to ask. This is an area where it is crucial that you don't assign blame or allow your emotions to be hurt. You need to take a full inventory of where you stand and knowing what it bothering both of you is essential.

Question Four: Where are we Heading?

The point of this is question is to see where you both think the relationship should and where it will go. Without knowing this, you won't know how bad the relationship is. If your partner thinks that the relationship is doomed to failure, this is information you need to know.

The point of doing all this is to find the true answers to these questions. Relationship rescue will be much easier when you have this information, because it will give a roadmap of the problems you need to resolve to have a stronger relationship. This is only the beginning, and you should seek out and find the information that will allow you to overcome these problems.

Saturday, 20 July 2013

Im Still In Love With My Ex

If you find yourself saying, “I'm still in love with my ex” you aren't alone. There are many who find themselves at the end of a long term romance or marriage still clinging to hope that they might bring it back. Just because it seems like things are darkest and that there is no hope doesn't mean that there isn't any. There is still a chance that what you had can come back even stronger. When you are saying “I'm still in love with my ex” and you want to get that love back it is going to have to come back stronger if it is going to last.

For those of you saying, “I'm still in love with my ex” you may have a desire to turn back the clock and bring back what was lost. Be careful what you ask for, you might just get it and have the same results.

Look carefully at the mistakes that was made in the past and find out not only why they were made, but why they were able to have the impact on your relationship they did. You need to be able to make a stronger foundation than you had before. You are going to have to try and start from ground zero. To get back together with the one you love, you are going to have to try and start all over again. Just find a way to do it better. Tell yourself, "I'm still in love with my ex, but I want it to be better than before."

Try re-establishing a friendship. Take it slow. If your ex feels like you are trying to make things like they were, they may be resistant to it. Don't push things, just let things take their course. If the two of you are supposed to be together, it will happen. Just let it happen naturally.

Think positively about it. Don't let your ex see you crying or depressed about it. You want to try and make it look like you are a joy to come back to. If your ex sees that you are walking around depressed, they may decide that they don't want to have that in their lives. If they see that for you life has gone on and you are happy they may want to join you in your happiness.

Try to think of what type of person you would like to be with. Do you think that they would want to be with that type of person as well? People want to be with happy people who can brighten their day and make them smile. People want to be with someone who makes them feel that they have a purpose and that they aren't alone. Try to be someone that makes someone feel like that. Make your ex feel special by just being an encouraging friend.

If you make yourself valuable to your ex and are able to make them feel valuable you may have a chance to bring back lost love. You may also be making a foundation that will last forever. It is a good thing to say “I'm still in love with my ex.” It is an even better thing to try and make the foundation of that love stronger.

Friday, 19 July 2013

How To Get Ex Girlfriend Back She May Not Mean To Break Up

There is no question that women are dramatic. They often say or do things that they really don’t mean. Three fourths of the break ups are initiated by women. But, often they don’t really “mean” to break up. They are just being their normal drama queen selves. But, if you react to a break up badly, you may lose your girlfriend forever. So, here’s how to get ex girlfriend back.

First of all, give her some space. If you don’t call her, she may call you.

Give her a chance to learn what life without you is really like. She may not like staying in on a Saturday night. She may miss cuddling – or more.

By maintaining phone silence, you are also letting her know that you can live without her. She has to decide whether she wants you, because you are prepared to move on.

This is an important tactic in the how to get ex girlfriend back strategy because you may be dying to make up with her. Still, you must stay on the program.

Don’t make a dramatic gesture of your own. Don’t send flowers. Don’t send a long love letter. And, don’t stand under her window and sing!

If she hasn’t called you after a week or so, you need to initiate contact. Email her and casually ask how things are going. Try to keep things unemotional. You want to appear to be pursuing a “just friends” strategy.

If this isn’t enough, you may have to step things up. You can send her a text message, write on her facebook wall, or call her about once a week. Occasionally show up somewhere she hangs out. But don’t bug her. Be prepared to talk to other people.

Make sure that you remember the important dates in her life. You should always send a card or small gift on her birthday so she knows you are thinking about her during the day that belongs to her. If you have a meaningful anniversary, you might want to drop her a note telling her what it means to you. But keep it short and sweet.

If she hasn’t indicated that she’s ready to get back together with you after a month or so, you have to start thinking about the rest of your life. If you’ve learned that you can live without her, you may just want to look for a new girlfriend.

But if you still want to know how to get ex girlfriend back, you can step things up.

For instance, ask one of her friends out and then call her and ask her what kind of restaurant you should take the friend to on the date. This will get her thinking about whether she is ready to really let you go.

At this point, she may just make another dramatic gesture. She may say that she wants you back on whatever terms you set.

Most importantly, you should never “stalk” your ex girlfriend. Think of the song “I’ll Be Watching You” as a guide of things NOT to do. Being relaxed and casual about the future of your relationship is your best bet.

And, that’s how to get ex girlfriend back.

Thursday, 18 July 2013

Im Having Trouble Dealing With Break Up

When you are having trouble dealing with break up it is only natural. There is nothing to be ashamed of because everyone does. The important thing to do is to decide how you are going to dealing with break up.

You have two ways that you can go about dealing with break up. The first is to let it tear you apart. The second is to overcome it and become stronger because of it. There is a saying that that whatever doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger but that all depends on your attitude and how you decide you will be dealing with break up.

This break up may have been the most devastating thing you have gone through but you don’t have to let it destroy you. What makes you a survivor is you deciding that this moment will not define you. A marriage ending in divorce or any type of relationship ending is difficult. If it was due to someone’s infidelity or an affair then you may have self-esteem issues that you need to get some counseling to help you through it. The same is especially true if there was abuse of any kind involved. If you were on either side of those issues, seek some help. Dealing with break up for any reason can cause some long-term problems if they aren’t dealt with soon.

When you are dealing with break up you want to be strong after you have gone through all of it. By deciding that you are going to come out a winner and stronger you are going to be helping yourself by giving yourself some positive focus and good goals to achieve. Don’t let this consume you. You have to be able to move on. Winning this is learning that there is life after this relationship and finding that life.

Also, don’t decide that you just want to survive, decide that you are going to THRIVE! Realize that your best days are ahead of you. Wake up each morning trying to focus on what good things can come on this day and try to be excited about what tomorrow holds. Focus on the good things that life has to offer. Life is over just because that relationship ended. You don’t have to lie to yourself and others. Believe that today is a gift and that you are fortunate because you have an unopened gift waiting for you just around the corner. Once you start believing that, you won’t have any more problems dealing with the breakup.

Breaking up is hard to do but it is only as devastating as you let it be. A nasty breakup doesn’t have to be the end of you. It can and will be a new beginning. The breakup of a relationship doesn't have to bring the breaking up of your life. If you build a new foundation from the ruins of this tough breakup, chances are that you will have no problem dealing with break up in the future.

A Proven Plan To Win Back An Ex

Once you've been dumped by an ex that you're still in love with then your main goal is usually to find some way to win back an ex who has broken your heart. What is usually the case though is that most people don't have a clue where to start and they either rush around sending expensive gifts or making a ton of phone calls – all of which only serve to push their exs further away.

Your opening move to win back an ex, should always be to approach the mission in a calm and relaxed manner. Do nothing that is going to make you appear as desperate and needy because again, your ex will only find it a turn off.

To get yourself in a calm and rational place, you need to take some time out from the heat and drama of the breakup. Too often people don't take this time out and instead just panic and believe they have to win back an ex by going straight in hard from day one.

As you take this time, concentrate on the things that are going to make you feel good about yourself and what you need to keep your spirits up. So make sure that you're not spending too much time on your own and that you're instead out with friends and having some fun. Truly this is possibly the last thing you want to do, but you'd be amazed how much of a difference this one step can make to your prospects of getting back with the one you love.

For the same reason looking after your body is key. When you take the time to do some regular exercise and eat well, you begin to feel focused, less confused and defeatist about what you're going through. You don't have to join a gym if that's not your thing. You simply need to find what works for you and stick to it. It could be as simple as a regular walk or joining a sports team or simply a regular kick around with the kids. Anything that gets you up on your feet and has the blood pumping.

Eating well is also part of this. Don't fall into the obvious trap of over indulging where food and drink are concerned. It might make you feel consoled initially but eventually it will ruin any chance you might have to win back an ex. So eat well and drink in moderation.

Connect all of these points and you have the beginnings of proven plan to begin the job to win back an ex.

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Win Love Back Allow Your Ex Time Space

Do you want to win love back? The key is allowing your ex to have a little bit of time to figure out what they want from the relationship. Tim and Rhonda learned this from Tim’s friend Joe.

Rhonda stormed out of Tim’s apartment one day saying she never wanted to see him again. Tim was stunned. All he could think about was how to win love back.

He called his buddy Joe and asked whether he should send flowers or candy.

“Neither,” Joe said. “And don’t call, email, or text her either.”

Tim was stunned by this advice. He wanted to win love back right away before Rhonda had a chance to “look around” and find someone better.

But Joe told Tim that giving Rhonda the space to “look around” was just what she needed. There was a small chance that she would go forever, but the probability was that she would settle down and come back to him. She must come to the conclusion that their relationship was special on her own terms.

Further, Joe advised, it would be bad if Tim looked too desperate. This gave Rhonda the upper hand in many ways. It would lead to further grand gestures in the future. If he wanted to get the relationship back on track, Tim needed to give Rhonda space.

Tim and Rhonda both had a lot invested in the relationship. They had been together 18 months and had even talked about marriage. This was why it was such a blow to Tim when Rhonda walked out.

But Tim took Joe’s advice, as painful as it was, and waited for Rhonda to call. It took her four days, but she finally contacted him.

The first thing she wanted to know was “why didn’t you call me?” He told her “I was waiting for you to call. I knew you needed space.”

He was right, and she knew it. She actually appreciated the fact that he hadn’t called. She knew that he had found a way to win love back.

As they talked about hwere their relationship had been and how to get it back on track, they discovered that one of the problems was that they had been crowding one another. The thought of getting married had been suffocating.

So, they decided to back off. They would still see each other exclusively, but they would make more time for friends and solo activities. They wouldn’t talk about marriage again for six months.

Tim restrained himself from pursuing Rhonda when she needed space. This allowed her to reevaluate her relationship with him on her own terms.

She initially thought that he would call her all the time. She was actually surprised that he didn’t. But, because he refrained from contacting her, she was able to see what her life was like without him in it. And, it wasn’t as pleasant as she had imagined it would be.

So, if you’re determined to win love back, keep in mind that sometime what is needed is a little space.

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

When To End A Relationship

If you’re wondering when to end a relationship, then you’re faced with a hard decision. After you’ve invested time with another person, it’s never easy to say goodbye. This is true if you’ve been together 3 months, 3 years, or more. But sometimes learning when to end your relationship is the best thing you can do for both of you.

If you really love the person you’re with, you might wonder when to end a relationship and why. You might think that just because you love him or her, you should stay and work things out. And very often it is worth a try.

Many people give up on their relationships before they’ve really tried to fix them. Because it’s difficult, they throw in the towel instead of working on their problems. This is unfortunate, because many people could probably be happy together if only they weren’t afraid to try.

And other people have problem after problem and keeping working hard when most people think they should just give up. It’s as if these people are gluttons for punishment. Their partner keeps cheating on them and they keep taking him back. Or their partner keeps making other mistakes and letting them down.

It seems they don’t know when to end a relationship. But usually it’s that they’re simply afraid of being alone and moving on.

There are obvious situations that should tell you when to end a relationship. If your partner is abusive, it’s time to get out, no excuses. If you don’t feel safe, even down to feeling like you’ll have something to eat and be secure, then you should move on.

Other things are less sure. If your partner has cheated, for instance, does that always mean it’s time to leave? Some people can get past one mistake like that. They sometimes end up with a stronger relationship after the affair.

But more often they really never get past the betrayal. Even if it never happens again, the one who was cheated on can’t let go of the hurt. And the one who cheated will eventually get tired of the suspicion and guilt.

If there has been cheating in your relationship, it’s not easy to decide if it should end. You should really talk about everything involved. From trust to fear of it happening again, it should all be put on the table in an honest discussion.

How about if you feel like cheating? If you have a really strong desire to be with someone else, should you end it? These types of feelings are natural. You can even have fantasies about other people. But if you’re constantly thinking that you’d be better of with someone else, maybe you really would be.

If you love your partner and you’ve tried different ways of working it out, step back. How have you really tried? For how long? When to end a relationship isn’t always easy to see, but if you know you’ve done everything and it’s still not working, it may be time to go.

Monday, 15 July 2013

Starting Over Win Your Love Back

Win your love back. It slipped away before you had a chance to realize what was happening. It seems like everything happened so quickly, like a tornado that came out of nowhere and destroyed everything that the two of you had worked so hard at building. The results were devastating. Now you are left walking through the rubble trying to find out if there is anything worth saving. To win your love back is going to be a huge challenge.

To try and win your love back, first look to see if there is anything able to be salvaged. Look through all that remains, take a hard look at everything and see the damage that was done. It could be that the damage due to the break up was too much and there really isn’t anything left to save. Hopefully, this is not the case but, unfortunately, it is true many times.

Also take a critical look at everything and see if trying to win your love back is even something that you want to even try and do. Winning your love back is going to be hard work and you just went through an exhausting time in your life.

Does it make sense to try and put these pieces of the failed romance and/or marriage back together? Will you just be banging your head against the wall? Do they even want to try and work with you or even want to win your love back? Ask yourself these hard questions. It could save you a lot of added and unnecessary grief.

Now, once you have decided that it is worth it to try and win your love back, clean up. Get rid of all the things that cluttered up your life and made it difficult. This is a great chance to go in and take only what was good about your love and leave behind the bad stuff. If there was something that complicated things between the two of you, leave it behind. You really need to focus your energy on building on the more solid foundations of your love.

What was it that made your love special? What were the best things about your love? What was it that made it special and really makes you want to win your love back? Focus on these things and use them as the cornerstone and foundation of winning your love back.

One mistake that many make when they want to rebuild a relationship is that they try and rebuild it exactly the way it was before it started falling apart. The truth is, if it wasn’t strong enough to withstand the storms that came the first time, it won’t be strong the next time. Try to build it better than it was before. Don’t live in the past, build on the good things and leave behind the things that made what you have weak enough to be destroyed. Win your love back and make it stronger than ever before.

Sunday, 14 July 2013

How Can I Get My Ex Boyfriend Back You Can You Know

Do you lie awake at night asking yourself over and over "how to get my ex boyfriend back"? Perhaps you broke up over something relatively silly and now realize that he was the love of your life.

Did he break up with you? Or did you finish the relationship but now regret it? If you were together for a long time, it is easy to take a good relationship for granted. We often don't realize what we have until it is gone.

If you are the only one of your friends in a long term relationship, you may have felt that you were missing out on the fun times and so wanted to be single. Or maybe the sexual side of your relationship had settled down and you felt a greater attraction to the cute bartender at your local club.

It is hard to keep the romance going in a relationship and often we forget what first attracted us to the men in our lives. There is also the factor that someone elses life is always more interesting. Why is it that the grass is always greener on the other side? You should never forget that appearances are deceptive and your beautiful next door neighbor's smile might be hiding a nightmare existence.

So now you have realized that the cute single guy is on his own for a reason and you want your ex boyfriend back. You are going to have to work hard to gain his trust again. After all, you probably hurt him quite badly by dumping him particularly if there was no real reason why other than you were bored.

Call him and ask him out to dinner. Wear his favorite clothes and perfume. In short, make a huge effort to remind him why he fell for you. Apologize for your behavior. Blame your hormones, your job, stress or your boss but do not put any of the blame on him. This is not the time to list out all the reasons why you were bored or fed up. You want to build his self esteem not destroy him.

Ask for a second chance. Remind him of all the great times you enjoyed together. Tell him that your time apart has made you realize that he is the only man you are interested in. Unless you know he wants marriage and kids, don't go too heavy on this tactic. Keep it light. Stroke his ego by letting him know how much you want him. Reassure him that you are 100% sure that this is what you want.

You have to be prepared to hear some home truths on what he thinks of your behavior. He will need answers to his questions and will probably need to let off some steam. Do not retaliate or get involved in trading insults. Listen to what he has to say!

After all if you want to know the answer to how to get my ex boyfriend back, you may just have to ask him.

Saturday, 13 July 2013

How To Win Ex Girlfriend Back With An Apology

No doubt all you can think about now she's walked out on you is how to win ex girlfriend back. Possibly you didn't realize that you loved her, or perhaps how much you loved her, until she walked out on you and now you're in pain and desperate to figure out how to win ex girlfriend back.

Well here's some information that will help you as you try to figure out the right moves that will help you get her back in your arms.

You might have made some mistakes, we've all been there, so don't beat yourself up! The most constructive thing to do right now is not to try and rewrite history, instead you need to figure out how to step up and find a way to write the future for the two of you, that you want.

If you need to apologize for anything that you did wrong, then get ready to do so. What you should also do, is to make sure that you understand why you're apologizing. Don't just go through the motions of an apology because you think it's what she wants to hear. No, look at the behavior that she's objecting to and try and understand her point of view.

The apology that you now come up with has to address two points if you're serious about figuring out how to win ex girlfriend back. Make sure that you use the apology to convince your ex girlfriend that you have completely understood her point of view and also that you're one hundred percent ready to change that behavior.

It will be great if you have previously come up with a plan to prove to your ex that you're rally serious. By that I mean do you need to go and talk to a professional about your behavior? Well then make the appointment and make sure that you have actually attended a few sessions and are committed to continuing to talking to the professional. Just a word of warning, if you're not sincere in this, you're wasting your time even trying to fool your ex girlfriend.

If you cheated on her, then try and figure out why you cheated. Again, you can't rewrite history, but if you can begin to figure out what brought you to the point of cheating, then the next time you find yourself in that situation you will have a real shot at avoiding it. Explain your thought process to your ex girlfriend and own your behavior.

When you go to talk to your girlfriend, as you attempt to answer your question how to win back ex girlfriend, make sure you give her space to say what she has to say and listen with sincerity. Do all of the above and you're well on your way to getting her back.

Friday, 12 July 2013

Save Your Marriage Infidelity Doesnt Have To Mean The End

Of all the things that can tear apart a marriage, infidelity is one of the biggest reasons. Extramarital affairs are a betrayal of all the things that marriage is supposed to be about. A marriage is supposed to be a union of two lives, two people bonded together for a lifetime, and breaking that bond is one of the most difficult things to over come.

In a marriage, infidelity isn't just what happens when somebody begins a physical relationship outside of the marriage. Infidelity can also be emotional, when one of the partners in a marriage begins to share their life with someone outside the marriage.

This is known as emotional infidelity, and it has become an even more serious problem in the last few decades. One of the reasons for this is because workplaces, one of our prime social engagements in modern times, have become increasingly more mixed.

In addition to that it is even easier to communicate with people on the sly. Email and instant messaging and texting have all made it easier to bond with people that you shouldn't be bonding with. While this isn't the cause of emotional infidelity, it is a factor.

At the same time, physical infidelity has also become easier. We spend more time apart than we once did, and it is not at all uncommon to spend the majority of time at work, which gives us a very handy excuse when we make the decision to cheat in our marriage. Infidelity is a choice, make no mistake about that.

But the thing to remember is that all of these things are excuses and opportunities, not reasons. Changing the excuses won't change the marriage, won't solve anything. But that doesn't mean that you can't overcome cheating in marriage. Infidelity is a big problem, but it is not an insurmountable one.

The very first thing you need to do is to figure out what went wrong in your marriage. Infidelity isn't something that happens in a vacuum; there is always a reason when things like that happen. Something has broken in your relationship and it needs to be fixed in order to get past the cheating.

You need to make sure that you don't blame the other person. Yes, they cheated on you. No, it wasn't your fault. But you need to move past it, because playing the blame game will only delay the kind of emotional healing that needs to take place. You need to, as best you can, put it all behind you.

Once you've found out why and began work on it, you need to reestablish the trust in the marriage. Infidelity destroys trust, and it's going to be difficult to repair what was been broken. You need to work on rebuilding the trust. Don't expect it to happen right away, and don't expect it to be easy.

But if you can follow these steps, you can save your marriage. Infidelity is terrible, but every relationship can be repaired. You just need to be willing to find the advice and the help you need to repair your relationship.

Thursday, 11 July 2013

The Wife Led Relationship Is It For You

There are different degrees to a wife led relationship. Many men are content and even thrilled to let the wife take complete control of the relationship. This goes beyond letting her make the decisions, into dominant and submissive behavior. Some men simply allow the wife to make the major decisions and set the tone, without being truly submissive.

To what degree your marriage becomes a wife led relationship is based mostly on both your preferences. Maybe you feel better when she makes the decisions and handles the checkbook. Remember that though you’re allowing her to have that control, it can be a burden too. Especially if she’s not comfortable with those tasks.

Rather than feeling like she’s lucky to have control, she might feel that you’re pushing off unpleasant decisions and jobs onto her. Be sure to balance it by taking over things that she doesn’t like to do. This type of marriage is wife led in the sense that she has the major amount of control.

But a popular fantasy for many men is to have a truly wife led relationship. They become quite submissive to the wife in everything. They do the chores and anything she tells them. And serving their wives in this way pleases them a great deal.

The submissiveness even carries over their sex lives. In fact, that’s the big appeal for many men in having this type of relationship. They secretly want to be dominated sexually, and the rest just adds to that appeal.

In a true wife led relationship, the man knows that she has authority over him. He does the chores and tries to anticipate her every need. She doesn’t thank him, but may tell him he’s doing a good job.

When it comes to sex, the man is only allowed as much pleasure as the woman feels like letting him have. And not allowing him to have an orgasm, or delaying it, is something these men find enjoyable.

A relationship of this type isn’t for everyone, but many men feel happiest when their wives have control. And while it might sound like the woman has it made in a wife led relationship, it’s not always easy for her either.

If a woman has been raised believing in the typical roles of husband and wife, suddenly being asked to take charge of everything can be daunting. Granted, the housework and other chores will probably be done by the man. But the handling of the big decisions, finances and other things might be a new experience.

Some women may not enjoy it, at least not all the time. But if the man really wants that, a compromise could work where certain days or periods of time are spent with the wife taking charge.

If you would like this kind of relationship but don’t know how to ask your wife, you may want to write your feelings down. Or you could start behaving as if you’re in a wife-led relationship and then bring it up by asking her if she likes your behavior.

Are You In The Right Relationship

How can you tell if you’re in the right relationship? Have you made a mistake by getting back together with this person, only you can’t see it yet? Sometimes during a break up the only thing you want is the other person. But once you’re back together you question if you’re in the right relationship.

There’s no foolproof way to determine if this person is the right one for you. The only thing you can figure out if you’re in the right relationship at the time. Things can change, but for right now you can look around and see if this is the right place to be.

You have to ask yourself several questions to figure out if this relationship is right for you today. Start with, are you happy? You won’t be skipping and picking flowers every second, of course, but in general you should feel happy to be with that person.

You may have a doubt now and then or a bad feeling, but if your feelings toward the person and the relationship are mostly positive, then you could be in a great relationship. Don’t let the odd doubt or strange feeling make you wonder if you’ve made a mistake.

When you do feel doubt or feel sad, why do you? Is it because you’re wondering about a specific other person and thinking that you might be with them instead? Or are they just general thoughts about the possibilities you might be missing if you weren’t in this relationship?

Everyone thinks things like that from time to time. But if you’re preoccupied by “what ifs” and “if only” thoughts, you might not be in the right relationship after all.

Do you feel safe in the relationship? This applies to feeling physically safe, as in your partner would never hit or abuse you. And it also applies to feeling emotionally safe. You feel that they would not want to hurt you for the world.

Do you feel safe from the threat of a break up? Or do you worry about your partner cheating often? If you spend a lot of your time in the relationship wondering if the other person is capable of cheating, then you might not be with the right person.

If you think the person is cheating, then you’re spending a lot of time being suspicious and questioning his or her motives. That’s no way to spend your days. You need to figure out if your doubts are reasonable.

Would that person actually cheat or do you think those things from your own insecurities? If you really don’t trust the other person, you shouldn’t be in a relationship with them. That will only serve to make you miserable and suspicious, and can end badly for both of you.

Do you feel special? If you feel like you’re constantly fighting for the other person’s attention and affection, you might look for someone else. You should feel like the person most important to them if you’re in the right relationship.

Wednesday, 10 July 2013

How To Win Ex Back - Rekindling Love With An Ex

Are you dying to know how to win ex back?

It can be a difficult endeavor, because some of the necessary methods seem somewhat counter intuitive, but if you want to learn how to win back an ex, you have to consider all of the things that are mentioned in this article.

The most important thing to do to learn how to win ex back is to calm yourself down before all else. High emotions are not going to allow you to focus on learning how to win ex back.

Instead, you are going to want to take a strategic angle to handling things. Drop the desperation and start thinking logically when determining how to win him or her back once and for all.

If you want to learn how to win ex back, you need to accept and agree with the split. This may seem hard to do but it is vitally important to rekindling things in the future.

If your ex is against future contact, then letting him or her know that you are okay with the breakup may disarm this attack and make it easier for you to talk to him or her in the future. This is an important part of learning how to win ex back.

The next step is simply to live your life if you want to learn how to win ex back. Go out, have fun and spend time with friends. This will show your ex that you are willing to move on. It is going to force your ex to realize how they really feel about you.

If your relationship really is meant to be, your ex will realize it. If they do not realize it, then perhaps it is not actually meant to be. This is a pretty simple concept but still difficult for many people to completely grasp.

Now you are going to want to limit contact as part of learning how to win ex back, because limiting contact sends a psychological message to your ex boy or girlfriend, forcing them to deal with you outside of their normal day to day life.

If you force yourself down their throat, then they are not going to respond well to your presence in their lives. If you limit your contact with them, they will find themselves missing you, thinking about you and wondering how you are doing, and this will force them to come to terms with the future of your relationship.

Following this simple system will help you learn how to win ex back. It may seem complicated at first because it is hard to avoid someone you care about, but these steps are absolutely vital in allowing things to be rekindled in the future. With patience and love, you can rekindle a relationship and learn how to win ex back.

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Forgiveness How To Get Your Ex Back

How to get your ex back and move forward is a difficult thing to figure out when someone has been hurt. Most likely it was both of you who were hurt and both of you who did the hurting. Forgiveness is essential to any relationship being mended and has to happen if you want to know how to win your ex back.

Learning how to get your ex back is going to involve learning humility on both sides. Being selfish is what got your relationship in trouble at the beginning. You decided that the individual was more important than what you two had as a couple.

People make mistakes. It is true that some mistakes are too big to overcome but most mistakes that people make in relationships are trivial. They are also made in the heat of the moment and often times can be exaggerated. Realize that it is easy for someone to say or do the wrong thing when they aren’t thinking clearly.

If you have had the wrong thing said or done to you, think of the context. What was going on around that time that made things as bad as what it got? Was there something going on in one of your lives outside of the relationship that brought unnecessary strain? If you can recognize what it was you have a chance to learn how to get your ex back.

If you had your pride and feelings hurt by the actions of another, can you forgive them? Can you suck back in your pride and realize that it was a mistake and what you had was greater than the incidents that drove you apart? Can you be willing to forgive it and let it go? You will have to learn how to do this if you want to know how to get your ex back.

If you hurt someone dear to you, you need to suck back in your pride as well. Realize that you made a mistake. Own it and take responsibility for your actions. If it is important to you to know how to get back your ex then you have to realize that there are things that you are going to have to correct in the way that you handle situations. If there is some problem or mistake that you keep making, get counseling or some kind of help. Don’t expect that you can continue to do the same thing over and over and expect different results.

Be able to approach each other with humility, not holding yourself up over the other person. Stop thinking that you are too big to come back and say, “I’m sorry.” When someone says to you that they are sorry don’t hold it over them and say, “Yeah, you should be.” Decide that what you have as a couple is more important than the problems that came and decide to work together as a team to overcome them. If you do this then you have found how to get your ex back.

Monday, 8 July 2013

How Get Your Ex Back Let Her Make The First Move

Do you wonder how get your ex back? So did Sean O’Casey. His girlfriend had stormed out one day and said “I don’t ever want to see you again. Sean was devastated to say the least. He was desperate and wanted to know how get your ex back.

The first thing Sean needs to realize is that his ex, Therese, needs some space. She was obviously stressed and / or angry about something and she needs to recoup.

The last thing Therese needs is for Sean to jump in and start calling, texting, and emailing her. She doesn’t need flowers or love letters. These are all things not to do when you wonder how get your ex back.

Instead, he should wait for Therese to call him. She will have to contact him eventually, if only to arrange to pick up the things she has at his house. She is also going to want closure on the situation.

At this point, Sean needs to be ready to make his move. He needs to be open to discussing the problems that their relationship was going through and admit his role in them. He also needs to confront Therese on the things she was doing that caused challenges in their partnership.

Sean and Therese need to have a long heart to heart talk. But, Therese needs to initiate the contact.

When someone has just walked out of your life, you may feel a need to grab them back. This is the wrong tactic.

There was obviously a problem that needed a grand gesture on your ex’s part. Once he or she gets that out of their system, you are ready to make progress on the problem.

But, if you crowd your ex, you tell him or her that you are desperate for their love. You let them know that they are completely calling the shots. When you give in this way, you are actually pushing them away.

If you are wondering how get ex back, you should start by giving him or her the space needed to get some perspective on the relationship. If you don’t, you will drive them even further away.

Your ex is obviously attracted to you. He or she would have left quietly if they just wanted to move on. The good news is that the grand gesture or dramatics lets you know that they still have a considerable amount of emotional energy invested in the relationship.

But, don’t squander that emotional energy by pursuing them prematurely. Let your ex settle down and get some perspective. Only then will you be able to solve the problems in your relationship.

Sean was patient and waited for Therese to call him. When she did, she was somewhat embarrassed about how she had left things. When Sean suggested they meet for coffee and talk about things, she readily agreed. Therese wanted to get their relationship back on track, and the way Therese handled things allowed her to have the space she needed to do so.

And, that is how get your ex back.

Sunday, 7 July 2013

Stop My Divorce

Divorces are at an all time high. Sometimes it seems that it’s easier to get a divorce than to get married.

People get hurt in divorce. The parties are forever scarred. Children, if there are any, never get over the hurt. Knowing this, you may be wondering “How do I stop my divorce?”

There are three steps to stopping a divorce.

The first thing that you have to realize is that saying you’ve changed does not mean you really have changed. If you are the person who is at fault in the relationship, it’s not enough to give lip service to the idea of change.

If you have been having affairs, for instance, it is going to take time for your partner to believe that you are no longer going back to your wandering ways. It is not enough to tell your partner that you’re not stepping out anymore. You will have to take concrete actions. As an example, you may need to allow your partner to “monitor” your activities by checking in with him or her on a frequent basis. If your job requires you to travel, you may have to look for a new job that keeps you close to home.

Other things besides affairs can mess up a relationship. For instance, if the wife’s spending habits are causing money problems which weaken the marriage, she may have to commit to cutting up the credit cards and living on a cash allowance. If the husband’s work habits keep him away from home too often, he may have to commit to being home by 6:30 every night no matter what. At the crux of this step is what is the most important thing in your life? If it is your marriage, you will make the necessary changes. But don’t just give lip service to them. Actions speak louder than words.

The next step is to avoid using emotional blackmail if you want to stop your divorce. Recognize that love is NOT enough to save your marriage. Telling your partner, “but I love you” in the heat of an argument will not win you any points. When you say “I love you” at inappropriate times, your partner is forced to say “I love you, BUT…” this weakens the emotional tie that love has between you.

Use the powerful “I love you” message when your wounds are mended, not at the heat of an argument.

You can’t use logic or guilt to change your partner’s mind. Arguing like this will only involve a spiraling argument. If you feel you must win, then you will lose.

Finally, don’t think that you can win an argument. Some people like to use their superior logic or argumentative skills to “prove” they are right and their partner is wrong. This may work in a formally scored debate, but in a marriage (which is scored on emotions not facts) it’s sure to fail. Instead of arguing, solve the problem. If your spouse brings up a fault in you, discuss possible solutions rather than argue back.

Are you wondering how to “stop my divorce?” Start by following the “stop my divorce” advice I’ve laid out in this article.

Saturday, 6 July 2013

Are You Wondering How Do I Get My Ex Back

Having the one you love walk out on you is no fun and often your initial thought is “how do I get my ex back?” Truth is most people don't have much of clue what to do to get an ex back and they find themselves doing what won't work and what will only push their exs further and further away. Well today you can find the answers to your question, “how do I get my ex back?” without making all the same old mistakes that will result in failure.

Well first off running around town trying to see your ex and 'accidentally' bumping into them wherever you know they will be hanging out, will usually not work. So if that's what you're doing as you wonder “how do I get my ex back?” then it's time to change that now.

If the breakup has been a particularly rough one, then you're going to need to give both yourself and your ex some time to get over that before you even attempt to make a real move to make up with them and win them back.

Take yourself out of that breakup drama by distracting yourself and occupying yourself with other things. This might sound like you're actually avoiding the issue of the breakup, but you cannot make sound and rational decisions if you're still emotionally red raw from what was said or done by you or your ex in the heat of the moment.

You could take a class, take a trip or get fit! Anything that is going to take you out of just sitting home and fixating on your ex. Truthfully, doing the latter is a surefire way to make the wrong decisions and lose your ex for good.

As you're taking some time out from your ex, it is a good idea to think about what went wrong and what role you played in the break down of the relationship. This is not necessarily to attribute blame, but instead to figure out what you need to do to make sure that you know the answer to your question “how do I get my ex back?” Because as sure as eggs is eggs, if you sincerely want to find a way back with your ex, then you're going to have to come up with a reason for your ex to take you back and that means having a plan to change any 'bad' behavior that you exhibited to help cause the breakup.

It really is that simple, give yourself some time to sort out your thoughts, figure out your role in the breakup and then approach your ex.

Friday, 5 July 2013

How To Save A Relationship - Take Baby Steps

Well the good news is that if both of you are agreeable, the actual process of how to save a relationship is fairly easy. If both of you still want to be life partners then you know that you love each other; but for some reason are finding it hard to communicate right now.

Life gets in the way of relationships. There is no two ways around that. Unfortunately we are all guilty of taking our loved ones for granted. We can spend time sorting out our kids problems, our friends problems perhaps even those of our work colleagues only to arrive home in a heap exhausted. We often assume that our partner can read our mind and know that we love and care about them.

But no matter how secure someone is, if they constantly feel or are made feel that they belong at the bottom of a very long list of priorities, they may leave. Feelings of resentment can grow over time and become rather like a snowball - small to start but soon takes on huge proportions.

The first step would be to arrange a night where both of you are free to concentrate 100% on your relationship. Get a sitter for the kids and head out somewhere for the evening. If you pick a public place, you are less likely to let your resentments boil over into an argument.

Agree that both of you want this relationship to work and reassure each other that you are committed to your partnership. Arrange a series of date nights - these nights are for you two as a couple. You could each write out a list of what you would like to try in the relationship be it a night at the Opera or a particular technique in the bedroom. Then take turns trying to fulfil the other person's wishes.

In addition to the lists of treats you would like, you also should make a list of all that you enjoy about the relationship and then a list of the problem areas as you each see them.

Spending time together away from the hassles of real life will help you to rediscover the magic that brought you together. Sharing the above lists will help you to realise what you have and what you need to work on.

Now it could be easy for one party to become offended at what is written down. You both need to know that this exercise has been done solely to increase the satisfaction level in your relationship not to knock the other person's confidence or blame them for the problems. Try not to become defensive but listen to both the good parts and the bad. Try not to go to bed on an argument as unresolved conflict can cause more resentment. Showing love and appreciation goes a long way believe me.

By encouraging open communication and time for each other you should find that your commitment to each other becomes stronger and your friends will soon be asking you for advice on how to save a relationship.

Thursday, 4 July 2013

Relationship Rescue

Many people begin searching for relationship rescue tactics to try and bring back the spark they once had with a partner when the magic begins to fade. Over time, most relationships grow and change from the loving, romantic bond into a steady routine of daily rituals and habits. In some cases, those habits can make one or both people in the relationship feel as though they're being taken for granted.

Some people may find that they're arguing more often than they're enjoying each other. Others may find that there's nothing left to say to each other or they simply fall into a daily pattern where everything else seems more important than the relationship.

Your relationship doesn't have to be this way.

Often the first avenue many people try in order to re-kindle a relationship is to try and bring back some of the romance. Intimate dinners and provocative lingerie are nice physical attempts at bringing you closer again, but they don't address on the inner, emotional reasons why the relationship may be strained. On the other hand, endlessly talking about your relationship rescue plans and tactics could potentially drive a wedge between you and strain the relationship even further.

There are plenty of relationship rescue tactics you can use to bring that loving spark back into your relationships. Here are some relationship rescue suggestions you can try to help get you back on the right track.

1. Appreciation

When the initial heady, romantic stage of any relationship begins to settle into a comfortable partnership, many people lose sight of the things they originally appreciated in their partner. They begin to focus on the things that irritate them or annoy them or make them mad.

Unfortunately, focusing on all the negative aspects of your partner can often bring about a feeling of resentment, which can lead to arguments and eventually the destruction of the relationship.

It's important to try and find things in your partner that you appreciate. You might appreciate their kindness or their sense of humor or their intelligence or whatever attribute attracted you to them in the first place.

2. Awareness

Live each day of your relationship as though it was the last day you have with your partner. Accidents happen when we least expect them. While this doesn't mean it's going to happen to you, consider how you'd feel if something did happen and today really was the final day you had together.

What would you regret most? What would you wish you'd said or done or changed if you never had the opportunity to do them again?

Your answers to those questions should be the very same things you need to be doing with your partner each and every day. When you live each day as though it was your last, the romance will return almost immediately.

3. Communication

Your partner can't read your mind. Sitting in silence letting a problem brew until you're at bursting point won't make your partner see problems any more clearly and it can compound the negative emotions within you.

It's important to communicate with your partner about your expectations, your needs, your goals and ambitions, your disappointment and anger. Communication is about letting the other person know what you're feeling in a clear, non-blaming manner so that you can both be sure you're on the same page.

Relationship rescue is all about finding ways to be sure you understand and appreciate the little things you do for each other instead of focusing on the negatives. If you can communicate clearly and find ways to appreciate and support your partner, then your relationship rescue attempts will be rewarded.

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Relationship Breakups What You Need To Know

Relationship breakups are a terrible thing, and are devastating for most people. What most people want, more than anything else, is to find someone to spend their lives with, someone who will always be there for you. Thinking you have this and then losing it is one of the worst events most people will suffer in their life.

After relationship breakups, people tend to suffer from the same kind of emotional healing process that people who have suffered the death of a loved one. This isn't surprising, since the death of a relationship is very much like the death of someone. But unlike the death of a person, sometimes something can be done to take back the death of a relationship.

Relationship breakups do not have to be forever in many cases. Far more relationships can be saved than those that are permanently destroyed. What you have to know and understand is the various kinds of relationship breakups that exists and what you can do about them.

This article is going to give you a brief look into the kinds of relationship breakups and what strategies you'll need to undertake to fix them. Not all relationships can be repaired, and not all of them should be, but most of them can. You just need to know the right techniques for each kind of breakup.

The Abusive Relationship Breakups

This is a breakup that should stay a break up. Unlike the other relationship breakups, this one can and should stick. There's a chance that you may be considering returning to someone who physically or mentally abused you, but you need to stick with this kind of breakup. No one should take being abused.

The Mutual Breakup

Sometimes, both people in the relationship may want out and the relationship ends by mutual consent. Now, if this is truly a mutual breakup, there's a good chance that this is another relationship that shouldn't be repaired. On the other hand, if it was just called a relationship and was really one of the next two kinds of relationship breakups, that's a different matter entirely.

They Broke Up with You

This is usually the most hurtful kind of break up. If this has happened to you, what you need to do first is figure out exactly why the relationship ended. Once you know this, you have to decide if what went wrong is something you could or should fix. If it is something you can and should fix, then this needs to be your starting point.

You Broke Up with Them

Sometimes, we break up with people and then realize we've thrown away something good. When this happens, the first thing you need to do is reestablish trust. This means that you're going to essentially start the relationship over. Start slow, with coffee dates or something similar, and then work your way slowly towards repairing the relationship.

No matter which of the relationship breakups you've experienced, you need to be aware that help is out there. You just need to find the right kind of advice and instruction to allow you to mend feeling and repair your relationship with your ex.

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

I Have An Ex Boyfriend To Get Back How Do I Go About It

If you have an ex boyfriend to get back, pretty much you're no doubt struggling to keep your composure and your dignity! Well the honest truth is that if you fail to hold onto to your composure and your dignity, then any chance of getting your ex boyfriend back will probably be lost.

So, it's time to stop acting like a pouting princess and instead start behaving like a responsible and mature young woman who knows her own mind and is capable of making tough decisions.

Now, discovering that you have an ex boyfriend to get back means you're really going to need to look at whatever it was that caused the split between the two of you in the first place. If you dumped him on a whim because of something that he did and you have now put what happened into perspective, then without a doubt, you're going to have to do some apologizing and back peddling. So take a deep breath, stay calm and go and see him. Tell him that you have had time to think and you're now ready to forgive and forget. Not only that, you would also like to apologize for any over reaction on your part. With any luck that will be the end of the rift and you will have succeeded in getting him back.

However, if there is more to it or he doesn't accept your apology and you find you still have an ex boyfriend to get back, then you're going to have to do some more work.

Look at yourself! If you find yourself constantly in turmoil with your love life, then take a long hard look at what might be causing the problem. If you have issues about your own behavior that has caused comments from others or that you're not happy with, then face them. Truth is, if you are going to make a success of this relationship or any future relationship, then you have to take the long hard walk and sort yourself out.

Here are some clues! Avoid making decisions when you're emotional. You will probably make a ton of wrong decisions if you are not calm and have not thought through outcomes and consequences. Especially true, if you have an ex boyfriend to get back, because emotions and gestures are definitely the wrong approach to take to a love life in turmoil.

So, think clearly and take your time about your approach to win him back. Present him with valid and tangible reasons why this time around the relationship will be different and so stand a chance of working. At all costs, dump the pouting princess and reveal to him a grown up and capable young woman he can have some fun with.

Monday, 1 July 2013

I Dumped Girlfriend And I Want Her Back

If you dumped girlfriend and you want her back, then you're going to have to move fast but not so fast that you make the classic mistakes that guys make when they're trying desperately to get back with their exs.

If you want to get her back then I bet you've been sending her expensive gifts, trying desperately to get her attention and prove something to her about how you feel. Chances are none of that has worked, because to be honest it's pretty old hat and your girlfriend wants to see something more honest and much more innovative from you.

A dumped girlfriend is likely out to make you jump through a few hoops before she takes you back, even if she desperately wants you back. And if you did dump her, it's going to be hard to argue against her feeling that way.

You've without a doubt greatly hurt her feelings and her pride and she's going to exact some revenge for that. Depending on how desperate you are to get her back will tell you the level to which you'll be prepared to put up with what she throws at you.

If she needs you to explain what you did and why you did it, then you better take some time to figure it out in your own head and be sincere when you sit down to explain it to her.

If she needs an apology from you and a sound promise from you that you will never do it again, then you're going to have to do that.

Maybe you panicked as you saw the relationship deepening and getting more and more serious. It's a pretty common feature for some guys and to suddenly feel as they are feeling smothered and overwhelmed in a relationship and instead of sitting down with their girlfriends, they panic. Before you know it, they have a dumped girlfriend and they're living with regret. So perhaps this is the situation that you have to explain to your ex girlfriend. If it is, again, be honest.

What you must guard against in a situation where you were clearly in the wrong and you over reacted, is that you don't become her punching bag. Don't allow her to use you as an emotional vessel into which she pours out all her frustrations and anger just because she can. So doormat out, understanding and apologetic guy in!

Chances are if the two of you still have feelings for each other, you will get her back after you dumped girlfriend, but you have to be clear that you're happy to try again and not simply reacting to feeling bad about the way you treated her.

Step By Step How To Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back

Understanding just how to get your ex boyfriend back can often be a hit and miss affair and it's no wonder, because as a rule we're not taught this stuff. We either have to make it up as we go along, or rely on our friends to help us out. But guess what? Our friends equally have no clue how to help us and they're also making it up as they go. But the reality is that it simply takes using a proven plan and then taking action on that plan, for you to win back your boyfriend.

Your first step should always be to distance yourself from your ex and this is an action to preserve your sanity as much as it to make a statement to your ex boyfriend. This step will stop you fixating on your ex and give you the space to concentrate on your own needs and requirements to help you get through this stressful time.

Make a serious attempt to reconnect with your family and friends and accept any help that will undoubtedly come from those who love and care about you. If you're serious about figuring out how to get your ex boyfriend back it would be a huge mistake on your part to isolate yourself. With people around you it means you're not sitting at home crying and obsessing about the breakup of your relationship or your ex boyfriend.

Now, as you're spending time with family and friends, find out from them what they saw as the downfall of the relationship. I'm sure your boyfriend would've told you what he thought as he walked out, and you no doubt have your own ideas on what went wrong and why. However, sometimes it takes the perspective of an outsider looking in to make sense of a relationship. So if you seriously want to figure out how to get your ex boyfriend back then ask others for their opinions.

Your next move is to make sure that given what you've heard back from family and friends regarding their take on the breakup, that you now think for yourself. You either agree or disagree with what's been said and of course you're doubtless going to get different opinions from them all. So take some time to weigh up what's been said and the final decision is yours. Yes you started out wanting to get your ex boyfriend back, but is it still what you want? Perhaps you've heard some 'truths' that now put that quest in doubt? Perhaps you've had time to come to terms with the breakup and you can more readily accept it? Whatever and wherever you are, be clear on what you want before you make the next move.

If you're still determined to go ahead and win him back, then your next move is to call him and to do so calmly and without emotion and drama and talk to him about the way you feel.